Category: Educational/Clinical Supervisors - Established Trainers Courses
Date: November 5th 2019 until April 30th 2020
Would you like to develop Coaching and Mentoring Skills and gain an accredited qualification?
Coaching and Mentoring enables individuals to acquire the knowledge, skills and techniques needed to perform effectively in the workplace by motivating, challenging and guiding them. Therefore, it is increasingly important that leaders in education have the skills to act as coaches and help people reach their potential.
The ILM 5 Certificate in Coaching and Mentoring is a qualification which aims to provide leaders in education with the skills and confidence to perform effectively as workplace coaches as part of their normal work role in the healthcare environment. This concise and innovative qualification offers individuals to gain a strong set of coaching skills.
The ILM Level 5 Certificate in Coaching and Mentoring is a very versatile qualification and is the choice for learners who are looking to develop their leadership skills through the use of a coaching approach.
The ILM Level 5 Certificate in Coaching and Mentoring is open to all healthcare professionals.
What are the benefits?
Through participating in this programme, learners will:
- know what it takes to be and effective coach in the workplace
- understand good practice in coaching
- recognise the difference between coaching and other development methods
- understand how to use appropriate tools and techniques to stimulate, challenge and motivate others to achieve required outcomes
- provide constructive and supportive feedback to support learning and performance improvement
- put their new skills into practice by carrying out supervised coaching sessions
- reflect on their personal coaching abilities and generate a personal development plan.
How is the course structured?
The Certificate in Coaching and Mentoring is a concise qualification made up of three mandatory units which introduce the key aspects of coaching in the workplace:
'Understanding the skills, principles and practice of effective management coaching and mentoring', the role of the coaching, basic coaching processes, and the abilities/qualities individuals need to be a good coach are explored
“Undertaking management coaching or mentoring in the workplace” requires participants to plan and carry out at least 12 hours coaching with supervision and support within the overall course before accreditation and certification.
'Reviewing your own ability as a management coach or mentor” provides participants with the tools to analyse and improve their own performance as a coach
Two assignments must be completed by participants to demonstrate that they understand the principles discussed in the three mandatory units.
What do you get?
- A highly interactive course with 5 days of in-depth workshops, delivered on a modular basis, with both tutor and peer support
- 12 hours of supervised coaching sessions from our experienced coaching trainers
- Handbooks, workbooks and refreshments
- Up to 18 months of free student member ship to the ILM and their member resources
- On successful achievement, an ILM Level 5 Certificate as well as 13 credits on the international qualification framework
- Opportunity to join HEE South West Coaching & Mentoring network for CPD and Supervision
Entry Requirements
Course Participants should have experience and qualifications or training in coaching, leadership and management.
Participants should also be in a position where they have the opportunity to use coaching and mentoring skills to develop individuals in order to meet the course assessment criteria.
Participants will be required to submit a short application statement of no more than 250 words to demonstrate that they meet the above criteria. We may ask participants for a Skype meeting to discuss course and subsequent coaching offer.
Course Requirements
Signed Learning Agreement, and completion of all assignments within given deadlines. You will be encouraged to attend 2 Coaching and Mentoring Network days for the purposes of CPD and Supervision.
You will be required to offer 12 hours of coaching to Professional Support & Wellbeing (PSW) Trainees over the following 2 years post qualification as part of completing the course and gaining the ILM 5 Certificate.
See attached sample Learning Agreement for further information.
The cost of the 5-day workshop is £2500 per delegate. This component is being fully funded by HEE Southwest. Participants will be required to pay £500 directly, at the time of registration, towards the costs of ILM registration and assignment fees.
As part of this offer each participant will be expected to provide 12 hours of coaching & mentoring within their place of work for 2 years after completing the ILM qualification at the request of your local Director of Medical Education, Associate Director of Medical Education and SuppoRTT Champion.
CPD Requirements Post Certification
You will be invited to attend 2 Coaching and Mentoring networks days per year to maintain CPD and for Supervision purposes.
There is a requirement to engage with your local Peer Support Group.
Course Dates
The course will take place on the following dates:
12th & 13thh February 2020
11th March 2020
29th & 30th April 2020
Assignment Deadlines
To be set at the start of the course
Exeter and Truro – to be confirmed
For further Information
If you are interesting in developing skills in coaching and mentoring, please e-mail your expression of interest by Friday 20th September 2019