ARCP Checklist

The assessments for the School of Radiology ST1, ST2, ST3, ST4 and ST5 trainees take place using the e-portfolio system. The information below shows the paperwork required to be uploaded to e-portfolio. An original, signed copy of a Form R is to be forwarded to the Peninsula Deanery and the portfolio including logbook fully up to date, twenty eight days prior to the assessment date. Please ensure that the documentation is completed (including signatures).

Failure to do this can result in the assessment not going ahead and the trainee being issued with an unsatisfactory outcome.

It is a national requirement for all trainees to complete and submit a Form R ahead of each ARCP. The Form R can be downloaded from the Revalidation page.

ARCP Summary Sheet (Please click here to download the form)

e-portfolio should be up to date 28 days prior to ARCP

Form R (Please forward to Mr Joe Campbell and Mrs Jennifer Phillips, School of Radiology Administration team, Peninsula Postgraduate Medical Education, Raleigh Building, Plymouth Science Park, Plymouth, PL6 8BY)


  • Clinical supervisor's report submitted on e-portfolio
  • Summary of achievements and learning objectives met.  

The Royal College of Radiologists provides dedicated pages to specialty training in Clinical Radiology including guidance on the ARCP process, assessment and examination. It is recommended that you familiarise yourself with these pages and check this page regularly.

The review will chart your progress to date and will identify any specific training needs for the future. The results of the review will be recorded on the ARCP form, copies of which will be sent to you and the Royal College with the original being retained by Peninsula Postgraduate Medical Education in your training record file. We advise that you share the information relating to your ARCP outcome with your Educational Supervisor to facilitate further Educational Supervision.

It is essential that the necessary documentation is uploaded to your E-Portfolio where appropriate prior to the deadline, as this will enable the documents to be reviewed by the panel prior to the ARCP. Failure to do this can result in the assessment not going ahead and the trainee being issued with an unsatisfactory outcome.